How to Prepare For a Backpacking Trip

A backpacking trip is a great adventure that mainly entails camping and hiking. Going on such adventures allows you to expand your horizons as well as enjoy the cleaner and fresh natural outdoor environment. Unlike daily hikes, a backpacking trip requires you to carry a few travel essentials in the backpack. Check out the following guidelines for help on how to prepare for a backpacking trip. 

Select an Easy Destination 

The destination of your trip will no doubt have a significant impact on the overall experience. The adventure could easily become disappointing if you choose a destination that is too hard to hike. To allow you ample time for exploring and enjoying the experience, you should choose a destination with well-traveled trails and camps and, also close to home. You can also consult with experienced backpackers for trip recommendations. The ideal destination should also have a water source and more elevation than your daily hiking spots. 

Prepare a Checklist for Backpacking Gear and Clothing 

While there are various kinds of backpacking gear and clothing that you can carry on the trip, it is always advisable to stick to the essentials. Since the items should fit into your backpack, you do not need a long list. Nevertheless, the key backpacking items that you should carry include; 

  • Tent 
  • Backpack
  • Sleeping bag and pad
  • Water treatment 
  • Kitchen essentials 

With regards to clothing, you should carry hiking boots, socks, sandals, long underwear, hiking pants and shorts, a t-shirt, long sleeve shirt or sweater, an insulated jacket, gloves, and rain jackets. You should also pack sunscreen, bug juice, sunglasses, and lip balm. It is also important to think about your backpacking food based on the duration of the trip. 

As you get closer to the departure for your backpacking trip, it is recommended that you take steps to ensure physical, mental, and logistical readiness. Small workouts could help to set up your body in motion for the adventure. Assess your mental state and make sure that all the logistics of the trip are in place ahead of time.…